civil engineering, concrete, cement, bricks, sand, aggergate, stone, types of civil engineering, subject of civil engineering



Monday 26 June 2017



         Bricks are artificial Stone those are usually made of clay. These are used in building construction and for ornamental purposes. These are one of the baise material used for wall construction. These are easily available, cheap and light weighted. They can be mould into required shapes and size. The properly manufacturered brick are nearly as strong as stone.
         Different types of bricks can be manufacturered from different materials, such as mud bricks, refractory bricks, silica bricks, cement sand bricks, fire bricks.
Classification of bricks
  Clay bricks are divided into ordinary and fire bricks. Ordinary bricks are:-

  • First class bricks
  • Second class bricks
  • Third class bricks
  • Zhama bricks

First class bricks

          There are of proper, rectangular shapes and size with sharp edges. These bricks are well-burnt and free from cracks and defects. It does not absorb water more then 1/6 of its weight kept immersed fir 16 hours. No mark can be made on it with finger nails. This should produce well ringing sound when struck with each other. This should not breck into pieces when dropped on ground from a height of 1m. It should have unifrom compact texture. The colour of brick should be unifrom and light.

  Second class bricks

          These bricks are irregular in shape and size with spots on the surface.these have qualities almost same as those of first class bricks.They may have fine hair cracks.

Third Class Bricks

        These are soft and light in colour . These are called'Ama bricks'. These are under-burnt bricks. They produce a dull sound when struck with each other.

Zhama Bricks -

          These are bricks of deformed shape and size.These are over burnt bricks . During the burning process,if temperature is not under control then , the bricks melt and formed irregular shape and size.


  • Hardness
  • Soundness
  • Strength 
  • Uniformity in size
  • Uniformity in colour


           Hardness of a good brick can be tested by making a scratch on bricks surface with the help of finger nail on the field. If no impression is left on the surface, brick is treated to be sufficiently hard. 


         In this test, two bricks are taken and they are strucked with each other on the field. For a good brick a clear ringing sound should be produced. 


     In  this test, brick should not break, when dropped flat on hard ground, from a height of about one metre.

    Uniformity in Size

      The brick should be uniform in size and shape and should have rectangular plane surfaces with parallel sides and sharp straight right angled edges. The unifromity in size can be checked out by observing the  bricks on the field.

    Uniformity in Colour 

        The brick should have uniform deep red, cherry or copper colour, which can be judged by observing the brick on the field.

1 comment:

gaurav jain said...

Define also fly ash n its manufacture

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