civil engineering, concrete, cement, bricks, sand, aggergate, stone, types of civil engineering, subject of civil engineering



Thursday, 6 July 2017



     Mortar is a paste made by cement, sand water or by lime, surki and water. Lime and cement are the binding materials in the mortar. Sand and surki gives the strength to the mortar. They also prevent excessive cracking due to shrinkage of the paste. The strength of mortar decreases as the proportion of sand increases. Mix of 1 cement and 3 sand is the better mix. The water required for better result is 20 to 25 percent as it gives the greatest strength of mortar.


  • Cement Mortar
  • Lime Mortar
  • Mud Mortars
  • Hydraulic Surki Mortar  

Cement Mortar

   It consists of cement, sand and water. It is the strongest type of mortar, so as used in the constuction of structures subjected to heavy loading. The ratio of cement and sand is normally 1:3 to 1:6 by weight.

Lime Mortar

  They are two types
  1.  Non Hydraulic Lime Mortars
  2. Hydraulic Lime Mortar

Non hydraulic Lime Mortar

    These mortars are prepared by using fat lime with sand. They have light colour. The ratio of lime and sand are normally 1:2 or 1:3 by volume.

 Hydraulic Lime Mortar

   These mortars are made from class A and class B limes. These mortars has more strength.

Mud Mortar

  Mud mortar made up by sticky clay and water, which is pugged until it attains required consistency. It is also called as GARA. Sometimes certain fibrous materials like goober is mixed with it. It is very cheap and locally available. These are used for brick work or ordinary buildings.

 Hydraulic Surki Mortar

   Hydraulic surki mortar is made by mixing fat Lime and surki. Surki is the fine powder of burnt bricks. It sets very hard under water.

Properties Are Required Mortar

  1. It should be easily workable.
  2. It should develope adequate strength in tension and compression.
  3. It should set quickly. 
  4. It should bind the bricks or building stones properly.
  5. It should be cheap.
  6. It should be durable. 
  7. It should maintain the appearance for quite a long period.
  8. It should be maintain the appearance for quite a long period.
  9. It should be capable of resisting penetration of rain water.
  10. It should not affect the durability of materials with which it comes into contact.
  11. It should have good consistency.
  12. It should possess the ability of retaining adequate humidity during transportation and laying over the porous bed.


  1. mortar is used to from soft layers for bricks and stones in masonry work.
  2. It is also used to bind the bricks and stones with each other.
  3. It is also used to distribute uniformly load over the lower bricks or stone.
  4. It also provide water tightness against weather.
  5. It is used as the plaster or impermeable covering for walls and roofs.
  6. It is also used as paint, which protect the joints of bricks or stones
  7. It is used to fill up the voids, which remains in a structure.
  8. It is used to repair cracks of any structure.
  9. It is also used for various ornamental work to improve the general appearance of a building or structure.

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